Best of 2023
Hace 1 año
"Cuando estoy trabajando en un problema, nunca pienso sobre su belleza. Solo pienso en como resolver el problema. Pero cuando lo termino, si la solución no es bella, se que está equivocada." –Richard Buckminster Fuller
4 comentarios:
¡Que bonitas!
¡Gracias Elsa!
the first one is striking in it's colors and illustration. The one with the elephants is very fun and dynamic too. what is the book about?
This is an anthology of Saki, the victorian english writer. The book is for young school readers (that`s why I used bright colors), the stories are plenty of humour, sarcasm and cinicism and the author refers to animals in every tale. I thought these animals could work as a synthesis of the stories playing also with the title "Cruel stories"... (not so cruel)
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